Lab report guideline:
Introduction: One or two paragraphs introducing the lab in general. Briefly describe what you would achieve in this lab and how you would achieve it.
Method: Chances are you blindly followed the instructions on Imran's handout. Now reflect on what you did and come up with a generic recipe for solving a PDE numerically using PDE toolbox.
Result: Present the results of your numerical solution for each geometry. You should include 2D V and E field plot and 3D V field plot for each geometry you solved. Below I included an example of two plots for the first geometry. Thanks Aaron L for sharing his plots.
Discussion: You should have expectations of V and E field for each geometry you solved above. Compare them with the numerical solutions you obtained, and discuss your results. This is the most important part of your report. Make it count.
The discussion of the last geometry, the PN junction, will be an extra credit. Just include the result of following Imran's instruction if you chose.
The lab #3 report is due on the 5th of March, 23:59:59, in pdf format. Send it to '' with a subject line 'EE135LExperiment 3 Report'.